What's FG All About.
To be honest, we all strive to embody the “template of life” that society embraces as the norm. But what happens when the woman you’ve grown to be wakes up, and says “forget that — I have one life, and it’s time to live every minute of it.”
Enters Full Grown.
A community of grown black women who are ready to embark on the journey of self-discovery, adventure, travel and bold-living. Our coaching programs and experiences are intentionally curated to support you in Choosing More for the rest of your life
Why FG?
Living life following a template that doesn’t necessarily align with what truly makes you happy can get old, and old quick. Trust us, we’ve been there.
Got the good job ✔
Married the man ✔
Had the beautiful kids ✔
But then all of a sudden nothing makes sense anymore—and you’re feeling
“too old” to change it.
What if we told you, life is just beginning and everything before 40 was just practice. See, Full Grown exists for you to free yourself from the expectations of others. Life is for living, and owning the power we have to choose how we want to spend the rest of our lives.

“As black women, if we can birth babies and businesses...what more can we create?”

I'm Samara Stone, and just like you I did “life right” by following a template that society gave to me… but then a sharp turn in the template forced me to go out on a limb and trust myself, and boy have I been living ever since.
And while I have more to share… right now, what I want you to know is that life is for living, baby—and no matter how old you might be, there’s still time to do life your way.
Are you ready to Choose More?
Our Founder


"Samara has inspired me to live life to the fullest! She helped me to find my own happiness outside of being a mom and a wife! To embrace the changes that life brings with joy recognizing the beauty that comes with change!"
- Kristin
There are several ways for you to learn, grow, and age boldly around here! Check out all the ways below.